Does Dark Roast Have More Caffeine? The Truth About Roast Levels and Caffeine Content

Does Dark Roast Have More Caffeine? The Truth About Roast Levels and Caffeine Content

If I had a coffee bean for every time someone asked, “Does dark roast have more caffeine? Or is it the other way around?” I’d have enough to roast for a month! 😂 But here’s the truth—bean for bean, dark and medium roasts have nearly the same amount of caffeine. Yep, it’s a myth! Let’s break it down.


Does Dark Roast or Medium Roast Have More Caffeine?


While roasting does impact flavour and bean density, caffeine content stays pretty stable throughout the process. What actually changes is the size and weight of the beans.

 Dark roast beans are roasted longer, causing them to expand and lose moisture. This makes them less dense and lighter.

 Medium roast beans retain more of their original density, making them slightly heavier.

Ever ordered two bags of coffee—one dark roast and one medium? You might’ve noticed the dark roast bag looks fuller. That’s because coffee is weighed, not measured by volume. Since dark roast beans are lighter, you need more beans to reach the same weight as a medium roast.

But back to caffeine! Here’s where the confusion happens:

 If you measure by scoops, medium roast has slightly more caffeine in your cup because you’re brewing more beans (aka denser beans).

 If you measure by weight, the caffeine difference is minimal—bean for bean, the caffeine level stays about the same. Measuring by weight is the more accurate method, allowing for more consistency and better control of the water-to-bean ratio.


Which Coffee Roast Should You Choose?


Since caffeine isn’t the deciding factor, go with the flavour profile you love:

 Dark roast – bold, smoky, and chocolatey flavours with a fuller body.

 Medium roast – a balance of sweetness, acidity, and a wider range of flavours.

And hey, if you're trying to find a less caffeinated option, we’ve got you covered with our Half-Caff blends. It’s a perfect way to enjoy the richness of your coffee without the full caffeine kick!

Either way, you’ll get your caffeine fix—so pick the roast that makes you happiest!

As for me? I love my medium roasts, and on really tired mornings? Well… let’s just say I “accidentally” have two, three, or even four cups. You know, to be a good sport and support the business. 😉


Final Thoughts on Caffeine and Coffee Roasts


Next time someone tells you dark roast has more or less caffeine, you’ll know the truth! Whether you love dark, medium, or somewhere in between, Crickle Creek Coffee has freshly roasted options to match your taste and make your daya lot better.

Stay caffeinated and happy brewing!

Adriana ☕

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